10 steps to help you have a restful day

Don't Be That Person

Let’s discuss a crucial aspect of our interactions with others. It’s easy to fall into the trap of gossiping or using prayer as a cover-up to extract information from someone going through a tough time, but that’s not the path we should choose.

Instead, let’s focus on not being the person who pretends to care by telling someone they are in our hearts when they are not. If you are inclined to delve into someone’s business, take a moment for introspection. Ask yourself the tough questions: why do you want to know, and what will you do with that information? Will you genuinely offer support and prayers, or will it become fodder for your next social gathering or bible study discussion? As Christians, it’s essential to avoid hiding behind pretentious lines and instead break the cycle of idle talk. Let’s either genuinely care for others or spare them from unnecessary pain. It’s time to be more thoughtful in our interactions and build a community founded on genuine compassion and support.


Caroline Hanna Guirgis, author and compassionate soul, weaves wisdom into her books, making them a reflection of her heart…. READ FULL BIO


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